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PhD Supervisor
गुरू ब्रह्मा गुरू विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वरा गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः

Prof. Sisir Kumar Nayak
Department of EEE
IIT Guwahati, North Guwahati
Assam, India, 781039
Phone: +91-361-2582530 (O)
Fax: +91-361-2582542
PhD Thesis title
A Non-intrusive and Non-destructive Technique for Condition Assessment of Transformer Liquid Insulation
Courses undertaken during PhD
EE 629 Insulation and High Voltage Engineering
EE 683 Advance Power Electronics
EN 672 Energy Storage Systems
MA 671 Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential Equations
EE 631 Electrical Power Quality and Reliability
EE 545 Computational Electromagnatics

Fig 1. 33/11 kV 5 MVA Transformers in parallel operation
Indian patent filed: 202231013474. Date of filing: 11/03/2022
Journal: Link
Substation in IIT Guwahati
Research Progress
Transformer is a costly and important equipment in the Power System. The transformer's proper functioning is necessary for reliable power supply. The maintenance and condition monitoring of the transformer help in avoiding its outage/sudden failure. Condition monitoring transformer abuts monitoring the insulation strength of solid and liquid dielectrics used in transformer.
The transformer is monitored for
1. The gases generated due to various faults (thermal, electrical)
2. Breakdown strength of insulation with time
3. Physical, Electrical and Chemical properties and their changes with aging
Preventive actions are taken accordingly.
Objective I
The condition monitoring of transformer is crucial in avoiding failure of transformer. There are multiple ways of condition monitoring
1. Monitoring the degradation of solid insulation
2. Monitoring the degradation of liquid insulation
The following are a few equipment which are mostly used in condition monitoring:
All the above condition assessment devices are costly and bulky which every substation or a small power utility may not afford. In addition, these devices are not portable and detect one parameter each. My objective is to develop a compact, economical, portable, non-destructive and reliable condition monitoring device which can detect at least two properties of the transformer oil. An EMI free non-intrusive and non-destructive technique is developed to detect the moisture and acid content in mineral oil.
The mineral oil is non-biodegradable, fire hazard, and exhaustible. Researchers over time have come up with vegetable oils as an alternative to mineral oil. These vegetable oils are fire safe up to higher temperatures, biodegradable and renewable. These vegetable oils are proven to be superior in many electrical aspects compared to mineral oil. The usage of vegetable oils in transformers also slows the rate of degradation of solid insulation. The electrical and thermal properties of mineral and vegetable oil improve with the addition of nanoparticles to mineral and vegetable oils. My objectives are focussed on the applicability of these alternative oils in power transformer.
Extended Work:
Book Chapter on “Processing and evaluation of natural esters” in Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems: Performance Analysis and Applications, IEEE Wiley, 2021.
The transformer insulation consists of:
Solid insulation that insulates the primary and secondary windings of the transformer. Kraft paper/ Thermally Upgraded paper and Pressboard are a few examples.
Liquid insulation that is used as a coolant as well as an insulant. Mineral oil (petroleum-based), Ester oil (Natural and Synthetic), Mixtures of various oils, and Nanofluids are a few of them.

Fig 2. Transformer winding terminals and solid insulation
Fig 3. Insulation used in transformer

Fig 5. Breakdown voltage tester for liquid insulation

Fig 6. Dielectric constant, resistivity measurement unit

Fig 7. Moisture Analyzer

Fig 8. Flash point Measurement
Fig 9. High Voltage Generator
Fig 4. Nanofluids with various w/v% CuO nanoparticles for transformer insulation




Fig 10. a. Fresh FR3 Vegetable Oil
b. Thermally aged FR3 (500 hours)
c. Open beaker aged FR3 (500 hours)
d. Thermally aged FR3 for 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 hours

Fig 11. Surface profile of kraft paper with aging
Technical equipment proficiency
Impedance Analyzer with dielectric interface
HVAC, HVDC, HV impulse Generator
Partial Discharge (PD) Analyser
Karl Fischer Moisture Meter
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Sonicator (for preparing nanodielectric liquids)
Thermogravimetric Analyzer
Anritsu Vector Network Analyzer
Projects associated
Development of non-edible green vegetable oil as a potential liquid dielectric for power/distribution transformer from the renewable source. (Funded by SERB under IMPRINT-IIC)
Nano-filled natural ester impregnated surface-modified pressboards for suppressing partial discharges in transformers (Funded by SERB under CRG)
NER II Transmission Limited- Multi circuit Branching (Funded by Sterlite Power Transmission Ltd)
Courses taught during PhD* (PMRF Deliverables)
Insulation & High Voltage Engineering (UG, EEE, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati) [Certificate]
Electronic Devices and Circuits (UG, EEE, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati)
Physics (Class XI, Kendriya Vidyala, IIT Guwahati) [Certificate]
Certifications during PhD
April 2019
May 2019
June 2019
June 2020
Deep Learning Onramp
Technical Workshops Attended during PhD
August 2018
July 2019
Preventive Maintenance of Transformers by Transformer Oil Analysis and DGA
October 2019
June 2020
July 2020
August 2020
August 2020
November 2020
2-Weeks Comprehensive Online Patent Information Course
Turnip Innovations
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